
Many years ago, we flew over a small bit of Pacific, across the Rockies and into Calgary airport very early one morning.

The moon shone on the sea “miles” below us, then sparkled on snow outlining the crests of the mountains, we dipped through a few clouds, which left small droplets of water on the windows, which, when frozen, refracted the airport lights while we landed.

We spent 3 days in Canada – during which time we endured a little sleet & fog but were rewarded by a gentle snow falling one morning. We walked on the frozen solid Lake Louise and climbed a small partly frozen icy river bed.

And something struck me. Everything we had marvelled over, drinking with our eyes, absorbing – for a few days ─ was made with just 2 things: water & light. Water: a couple of simple gases combined, and Light: something we don’t really fully understand. There are hundreds of other elements in creation. And something else…

God made them. Not just to drink, or water the ground, or make things visible – but to look at and say: Wow! – to ski on, to play in – to enjoy!

That is part of the old creation – the part that has a time-limit; an expiry date. Jesus went to prepare a new place for us to live in, play in, enjoy Him – that will last forever.

My guess is that it’ll be even better than this one.

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