Reading Mark 10, where the young man approaches Jesus to ask about eternal life. What does this passage mean ? What does it teach ?
Well clearly Jesus is condemning rich people; isn’t He ?
Not really, He is identifying for this bloke what it is that is stopping him from becoming a true follower (which, given the context, leads to eternal life)
So what is being taught here ?
I figured the best way to read this passage is to take out ‘young man’ and replace it with my own name.
Mark 10:17 (AV *)
As Jesus started on His way Andrew ran up to Him and fell on his knees before him... etc
v21. Jesus looked at me and loved me. “One thing you lack,” He said.... .
Now what would He say… what is the one thing that may be stopping me from following Him wholeheartedly ?
It’s a bit of a trick question, because the ‘one thing’ the young man lacked was that he didn’t lack anything. He was rich. Verse 22 says he had great wealth. Nothing wrong with wealth – but it was getting in the way. Maybe he was so self-sufficient he didn’t need faith; maybe he was greedy with it; maybe extremely generous with is – and proud of that. We don’t know. But Jesus said it was stopping him from following.
What is it that stops me from following Jesus wholeheartedly ? What is it that wants to creep from the back of my mind to the front all the time and take over my attention ? Even as a believer, there can be things that occupy too much of our attention and deep down (or not so deep) we keep sliding them onto the throne – next to Jesus. Well the problem is, He won’t share.
What is that thing that nags at us for attention ? Probably a good thing in itself (nothing wrong with wealth). Maybe it’s not wealth. Perhaps it’s our status, sport, spouse, our kids, my rights, my leisure; it may be my wealth – or even poverty. Even the church – or service to the church can become a little god of our own. It could be anything. If it takes more of my energy and attention than Jesus Himself, it’s getting in the way. Getting in His way.
Now, what is Jesus’ advice to the young man – to me. This is very specific; and brutal.
verse. 21 Go sell everything you have and give to the poor.
Not, move it to another part of the house. Not re-prioritize it in your mind, or even lend it to someone. Sell it – and give away the proceeds. Jesus wants it gone from my mind. So I can’t get it back. Then I can follow Him.
Now, obviously, don’t do that with your spouse. Or your kids. Or even service to the church. But the principle is the same as cutting off your hand if it causes you to sin. What is it about my commitment to that thing that keeps me from fully following Jesus. I’ll leave that for you to work out. But put your name in this passage and read it back to yourself. See what Jesus is saying. To you.
* Andrew Version