I was deeply saddened and still physically sick in my stomach after I heard the news bulletin in which it was reported that Chris Hipkins is demanding mandatory contact tracing in all places “where people gather”.
Why? What does it matter ? You may be tempted to ask. What have you lost by “keeping each other safe”, etc.
What have we lost ? It made me think of liberty – the freedom to come and go as we please, to move freely throughout our beautiful country unhindered – without the Government having to know our whereabouts at any given moment; it made me think ‘Identity’, we are being reduced to a phone number – or if you’ve already gone down the tech path, a MAC address which although hardcoded into your device – can be easily – and is often – hacked or spoofed by readily accessible software (we can talk about that some other time); but it is more our NZ spirit to survive, our ability to “do it yourself” and fix things – that has been sacrificed, on the altar of ‘goodwill’ – I might add.
We don’t want survive on our own ingenuity any more, we think we need to be told where and when to go and what to do there. We don’t want to help strangers – or even talk to them – because they might be the enemy.
During the World War II – which our ancestors fought and died in, to save us from a regime where citizens don’t trust the authorities, who in turn can stop them in the street to “ask for their papers” – people, under stress, fled to the church for succour and gave aid to strangers in need.
This is pretty much World War III – only the enemy is ideology & biology. But people aren’t fleeing to the church. They flee to their beach houses and/or the supermarket to make sure they can buy enough of the stuff they want in case their neighbours get it first.
What are we becoming, New Zealand ?! The government isn’t forcing us to turn on each other; they don’t need to. They just need to keep the masses partially informed, sow seeds of mistrust in anyone who doubts, and human nature will do the rest.
PS. And before you come back to me with out of context bible quotes in King James language, reinterpreted as “Be kind”, “Keep your neighbour safe”, etc. You don’t get to redefine words like “Love”, “Safety” or even “marriage” – just because you have a majority in parliament. Those words and concepts are clearly defined already. God doesn’t need your help telling us how to love our neighbours.