The other night, with a slightly sadistic bent and the absence of an easily accessible pencil to poke my eye out with, I made myself sit and watch the entire first episode of FRIENDS. Partly because Jennifer Aniston – who I really can’t watch unless she’s alongside somebody funny –… click here for more

Starship NZ-Enterprise

When someone fails spectacularly at their job – in their area of expertise, we say, jokingly, “You had one job…” – implying the failure. Lt. Uhura has one job: Communications officer. Mr. Spock has one job: Science officer. Scotty, the same, engineering, and Bones: Medical Officer. Captain Kirk – on… click here for more

The Rich Man

Reading Mark 10, where the young man approaches Jesus to ask about eternal life. What does this passage mean ? What does it teach ? Well clearly Jesus is condemning rich people; isn’t He ? Not really, He is identifying for this bloke what it is that is stopping him… click here for more